Developing an impact case study of Global Kids Online
12th December 2018
UNICEF-Innocenti and LSE commissioned an independently-verified impact case study of the Global Kids Online network aiming to validate early emerging impact claims. Commencing in November 2018, the study draws on in-depth evidence from four research sites in Argentina, Bulgaria, Ghana and Uruguay, as well as a review of the activities of the whole network.
Brazilian findings: more children read online news
26th November 2018
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (Cetic.br) launched the results of the sixth ICT Kids Online Brazil survey. The results show that more children are now online (85% of children aged 9 to 17 years), they mostly use a mobile phone to access the internet (93%), and receive more parental guidance on safe internet use. The new survey explores for the first time children’s civic participation discovering that over 1 in 10 children use the internet to discuss politics and problems in their city or country.
Children and the internet: new findings from Ghana
23rd October 2018
UNICEF Ghana is launching its new report on children’s experiences online as part of the National Cyber Security Month Campaign by the First Lady of Ghana. Key findings are that the internet offers important learning, socialising, and entertainment opportunities for children, but important gaps remain related to online access, digital skills, and parental support. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry for Gender, Children and Social Protection.
Research on teachers’ internet use in Montenegro
7th June 2018
Global Kids Online research conducted with children and parents in Montenegro in 2016 indicated that schools need to become leaders in the process of preparing the future digital citizens. UNICEF Montenegro, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Ipsos, is currently piloting a survey on teachers’ internet use, skills, and practices which will help to develop digital literacy education in Montenegrin schools.
Kids Online Uruguay: key findings from the new study
3rd May 2018
New findings from Global Kids Online in Uruguay are launched today by UNICEF, Plan Ceibal, AGESIC, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, and UNESCO. Uruguay has witnessed significant advances in the spread of internet connectivity in recent years as a result of public policies for digital inclusion. The study further advances the knowledge about Uruguayan children’s engagement with the digital environment.
New research on children’s internet use in Albania
26th March 2018
Albania is the latest country to join the Global Kids Online network in 2018. UNICEF Albania is commencing the new research on children’s experiences of internet use as part of its strategic intervention to tackle online child sexual exploitation, supported by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children. The research comprises a national home-based survey of 1,000 children and young people and one of their caregivers, as well as a qualitative component exploring the internet experiences of children without parental care and those with disabilities.
GKO launching in Canada with a focus on privacy
26th February 2018
The eQuality project, in partnership with UNICEF Canada and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) will be bringing Global Kids Online to Canada in 2018 with the launch of the Canadian Kids Online project led by Professor Valerie Steeves (University of Ottawa). The new study will focus on the online experiences of Canadian youth, as well as the ways in which their knowledge of online privacy issues affects their experiences in the online environment.
Making the internet safer for children: the global evidence
6th February 2018
On Safer Internet Day 2018, Global Kids Online partners recognise the pressing need to research and support children’s rights in a digital age. To harness the positive potential of children’s internet use and to limit the harm, it is vital to understand how children are developing digital skills and citizenship, and to use the evidence to inform future policy and practice in a way that also includes the voices of children and parents.
How can using our research make an impact?
26th January 2018
Today Global Kids Online is launching its new impact tools to guide and support researchers in planning effective research impact strategies and activities. These are the result of collaboration with country partners and experts over the past 18 months in a joint effort to find the best ways to use research evidence to support children’s rights in the digital environment.
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