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Children globally rely on the internet during Covid19
23rd April 2021
During COVID19 it has become more urgent than ever to recognise the importance of the digital environment for children and young people. In a digital world, internet access is a vital gateway for both the realisation and violation of children’s rights. Recently the global #CovidUnder19 project released new findings on how children are relying on the internet for their information, education and participation.
How are children doing under lockdown #Covid19?
18th June 2020
Drawing on guidance from Global Kids Online, the #CovidUnder19 project invites views from children around the world by launching a global survey for 8-17 year old’s to get their views and experiences of ‘Life under Coronavirus’. The findings will tell us how children have been coping during the pandemic and will be used for advocacy globally to ensure children’s voices are included in the response to COVID-19 and future emergency and crisis situations. If you are aged between 8 and 17 years, please help us by completing our survey.
Children’s access to health information under COVID-19
12th June 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, access to accurate health information is particularly important, especially for children living in resource-poor communities where access to health care and services may be limited. Yet a large proportion of the world’s children are unable to access the internet as much as they want or need to.
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