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Sexually exploitative practices against children
18th July 2024
The UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children has recently invited stakeholders to contribute to a report exploring the existing and emerging sexually exploitative practices and abuse against children in the digital environment. Drawing on primary data from the Disrupting Harm project’s survey with 12-17-year-olds across several countries, Global Kids Online provided input on the how technologies are being used to facilitate the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and offer practical recommendations for making child online safety a reality.
The digital lives of Australia’s First Nations children
15th June 2023
A recent report by Australia’s eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) has found the internet plays a vital role in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, enabling them to form important cultural and social connections with friends and family. However, the report also shows that First Nations children are much more likely than the national average to have been treated in a hurtful or nasty way online, experiences that can lead to impaired mental health, perceived reputation damage and lower school performance.
Online sexual exploitation and abuse: new findings
1st June 2022
Protecting children from online sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA) has been at the forefront of international efforts over the past week. The WePROTECT Global Summit in Brussels gathered more than 400 delegates from industry, government, civil society and international organisations coming together with the aim to strengthen the global response to OCSEA. The misuse of the internet and digital technologies to sexually abuse and exploit children is a rapidly growing issue that knows no borders. Yet, evidence on the nature and scale of the problem remains limited.
Children’s experiences of risks online in Zambia
9th May 2022
Like children in many parts of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected the lives of children in Zambia, with many moving online for many of their daily activities and simply spending more time online. While there is no reliable data on the degree to which children were using the internet and technology before the pandemic, the recent Zambia Kids Online study undertaken across several sites within Zambia has provided some insight into children’s online experiences, both positive and negative.
Safer Internet Day 2022: what we are talking about today
8th February 2022
Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February to promote children’s safe and beneficial use of digital technologies. This year the celebrations are dedicated to the theme “All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online” acknowledging how young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of online. Here is a quick overview of some relevant Global Kids Online resources on children’s internet safety.
Do internet addiction and gaming disorders exist?
8th November 2021
Since the invention of online gaming, there have been concerns that video games were destroying the mental health of a generation. The WHO’s decision in 2018 to include Gaming Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) has reignited fears that online games can be addictive.
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