Search Global Kids Online
2018: more research, new findings and further impact
20th December 2018
With new findings from Brazil, Ghana and Uruguay emerging during the year, Global Kids Online has now surveyed over 15,000 children and 12,000 of their carers since 2016, continuing to emphasise the important role of children as active agents in the global digital environment. With new research in Albania, Canada, Montenegro, New Zealand and the Philippines underway, as well as research impact assessments in four Global Kids Online countries, the quest for expanding the evidence base continues.
Brazilian findings: more children read online news
26th November 2018
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( launched the results of the sixth ICT Kids Online Brazil survey. The results show that more children are now online (85% of children aged 9 to 17 years), they mostly use a mobile phone to access the internet (93%), and receive more parental guidance on safe internet use. The new survey explores for the first time children’s civic participation discovering that over 1 in 10 children use the internet to discuss politics and problems in their city or country.
Kids Online Uruguay: key findings from the new study
3rd May 2018
New findings from Global Kids Online in Uruguay are launched today by UNICEF, Plan Ceibal, AGESIC, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, and UNESCO. Uruguay has witnessed significant advances in the spread of internet connectivity in recent years as a result of public policies for digital inclusion. The study further advances the knowledge about Uruguayan children’s engagement with the digital environment.
UNICEF Argentina’s work on promoting digital citizenship
14th January 2018
Based on the research findings from the recent Global Kids Online study, UNICEF Argentina has been working with a range of stakeholders to promote children’s digital citizenship and literacy as part of its knowledge exchange and impact efforts. The team has been trying to introduce a more comprehensive approach to supporting children’s internet use which focuses on children’s rights and digital citizenship, online opportunities, digital skills, and online protection.
Highlights from the past year of GKO research
18th December 2017
Global Kids Online has been gathering new evidence on children’s online opportunities and risks via representative surveys in the Philippines, Uruguay, and Ghana. This adds to the existing database from seven other countries. The members of the network have also spent the year working on maximising the impact from the research findings.
Brazil: 24.3 million children are now online
28th November 2017
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( just launched the results of the latest ICT Kids Online Brazil survey, conducted annually since 2012. Based on home-based computer-assisted interviews with 2,999 children and their parent or guardian, the survey highlights key issues related to internet access, online opportunities, and safe internet use.
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