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Using Global Kids Online evidence to build global understanding and action
18th July 2019
A recent Global Kids Online network meeting gathered 45 experts and practitioners from 27 countries to discuss the advancement of child rights and online protection drawing on existing and new research evidence by the network partners. We are following up with a webinar on impact and the lessons learned on how to use the evidence to build global understanding and action (Tuesday 23rd July, registration open).
2018: more research, new findings and further impact
20th December 2018
With new findings from Brazil, Ghana and Uruguay emerging during the year, Global Kids Online has now surveyed over 15,000 children and 12,000 of their carers since 2016, continuing to emphasise the important role of children as active agents in the global digital environment. With new research in Albania, Canada, Montenegro, New Zealand and the Philippines underway, as well as research impact assessments in four Global Kids Online countries, the quest for expanding the evidence base continues.
Children and the internet: new findings from Ghana
23rd October 2018
UNICEF Ghana is launching its new report on children’s experiences online as part of the National Cyber Security Month Campaign by the First Lady of Ghana. Key findings are that the internet offers important learning, socialising, and entertainment opportunities for children, but important gaps remain related to online access, digital skills, and parental support. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry for Gender, Children and Social Protection.
Highlights from the past year of GKO research
18th December 2017
Global Kids Online has been gathering new evidence on children’s online opportunities and risks via representative surveys in the Philippines, Uruguay, and Ghana. This adds to the existing database from seven other countries. The members of the network have also spent the year working on maximising the impact from the research findings.
Working on knowledge exchange and impact
22nd September 2017
The LSE Department of Media and Communications and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti recently hosted a meeting of the Global Kids Online network which offered an opportunity for researchers from Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America to discuss research dissemination challenges and share local experiences of working effectively with stakeholders to maximise research impact.
Excellent support from key stakeholders in Ghana
31st August 2017
At the Global Kids Online meeting earlier this summer, UNICEF Child Protection Officer Joyce Odame outlined that UNICEF Ghana is currently funding national research on the risks and opportunities associated with child online practices in Ghana. A progress report highlighted the scope of the research, active involvement of a range of key stakeholders and some key challenges emerging during the fieldwork.
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