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Hate messages and violent images online
12th January 2024
In an era where internet connectivity is rapidly expanding around the globe, our new research brief published by UNICEF Innocenti sheds light on the issue of children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online. Efforts to mitigate exposure to such content are gaining momentum but the findings underscore the need for rapid changes that directly address the digital platforms where children encounter hate messages and violent images.
Pathways from offline to online risk: new findings
9th February 2021
Children’s lives are increasingly mediated by digital technologies, yet our knowledge of how this affects their well-being is patchy. Today, UNICEF and LSE are launching our rapid evidence review aiming to identify the pathways to resilience and harm and the factors that can intensify risk or protect children from it. Ensuring children’s well-being and positive engagement with digital technologies requires more attention to long-term consequences and filling the gaps in our evidence, regulation, and education initiatives.
International day against violence and bullying
4th November 2020
The UNESCO member states declared the first Thursday of November the International day against violence and bullying at school in recognition that school-related violence in all its forms is an infringement of children and adolescents’ rights to education and to health and well-being. In support of this initiative, we reflect on the comparative findings of the Global Kids Online network based on data among nearly 15,000 internet-using children in 11 countries across Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.
Serbia: children rarely do creative activities online
9th December 2019
Children begin to use the internet at a young age and in a personalised way – from their own mobile devices and away from parental supervision, which has important policy and practice implications, according to a new EU Kids Online report on Serbian children’s internet use launched today. The survey with 1,150 internet-using children aged 9-17 years from 60 schools across the country was co-funded by the University of Oslo, UNICEF and OSCE Serbia, as well as the Serbian Ministries of Education and Telecommunications.
Making the internet safer for children: the global evidence
6th February 2018
On Safer Internet Day 2018, Global Kids Online partners recognise the pressing need to research and support children’s rights in a digital age. To harness the positive potential of children’s internet use and to limit the harm, it is vital to understand how children are developing digital skills and citizenship, and to use the evidence to inform future policy and practice in a way that also includes the voices of children and parents.
Brazil: 24.3 million children are now online
28th November 2017
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( just launched the results of the latest ICT Kids Online Brazil survey, conducted annually since 2012. Based on home-based computer-assisted interviews with 2,999 children and their parent or guardian, the survey highlights key issues related to internet access, online opportunities, and safe internet use.
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