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Should we include more digital technologies in teaching?
7th November 2019
Montenegro is the first Global Kids Online country to produce comparable data on digital skills including children, parents and teachers. A national survey conducted by Ipsos, supported by UNICEF and Telenor, found that almost all teachers (94%) in Montenegrin primary and secondary schools use the internet on a daily basis. Educators tend to have better digital skills than children and parents. While teachers agree that the use of technologies improves the quality of education, many struggle to integrate diverse ways of using digital media in the learning process.
Using Global Kids Online evidence to build global understanding and action
18th July 2019
A recent Global Kids Online network meeting gathered 45 experts and practitioners from 27 countries to discuss the advancement of child rights and online protection drawing on existing and new research evidence by the network partners. We are following up with a webinar on impact and the lessons learned on how to use the evidence to build global understanding and action (Tuesday 23rd July, registration open).
Costa Rica: highlights from the new research
15th July 2019
A new study on children’s internet use in Costa Rica was conducted by the University of Costa Rica and the Paniamor Foundation. The nationally representative survey with 1,008 children and their parents found important digital divides related to access, opportunities and skills. Using mobile phones for learning at school and receiving enabling mediation from parents can improve children’s digital skills and access to online opportunities.
Global Kids Online India
9th May 2019
India is the latest country to join the Global Kids Online network and carry out research on children’s internet use. With a population of 247 million children aged 9 to 17 years old, India can provide important evidence on children’s experiences in South Asia. The research will be carried out by the Centre for Development management and Communication, MICA, (Ahmedabad) and will initially focus on the state of Gujarat.
2018: more research, new findings and further impact
20th December 2018
With new findings from Brazil, Ghana and Uruguay emerging during the year, Global Kids Online has now surveyed over 15,000 children and 12,000 of their carers since 2016, continuing to emphasise the important role of children as active agents in the global digital environment. With new research in Albania, Canada, Montenegro, New Zealand and the Philippines underway, as well as research impact assessments in four Global Kids Online countries, the quest for expanding the evidence base continues.
Brazilian findings: more children read online news
26th November 2018
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( launched the results of the sixth ICT Kids Online Brazil survey. The results show that more children are now online (85% of children aged 9 to 17 years), they mostly use a mobile phone to access the internet (93%), and receive more parental guidance on safe internet use. The new survey explores for the first time children’s civic participation discovering that over 1 in 10 children use the internet to discuss politics and problems in their city or country.
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