Search Global Kids Online
Global Kids Online Uruguay
11th July 2017
Uruguay has been conducting innovative research on children’s online experiences as part of the Global Kids Online network in Latin America. The Kids Online study is carried out with the joint effort of UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund – Plan Ceibal, UNESCO, AGESIC, and the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. The fieldwork took place from July to September 2017 and explored the online experiences of children aged 9 to 17.
Global Kids Online Bulgaria
11th July 2017
In September 2016, the Applied Research and Communication Fund, coordinator of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, in cooperation with the MarketLinks agency conducted a national representative survey entitled “Online Conduct of Children in Bulgaria.” The survey, which is a part of Global Kids Online, examined how children and young people engage with the internet and digital technologies in their everyday lives.
Philippines: launching the representative survey
10th April 2017
The representative Global Kids Online survey in the Philippines was launched by UNICEF at workshop for government, industry, law enforcement agencies, and NGOs. The aim of the meeting was to initiate a collaboration for the protection of children against online sexual abuse and exploitation based on a common understanding among key actors on global best practices, tools, resources and industry standards.
Highlights from 18 months of Global Kids Online
17th February 2017
The Global Kids Online team and partners from Argentina, Serbia, South Africa and the Philippines spent the last 18 months developing and testing a multi-method research toolkit. Researchers in Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Ghana, and Montenegro also joined in to conduct primary research asking children about their experiences on the internet and the contexts and consequence of internet use.
New research toolkit on children’s internet use
11th November 2016
Global Kids Online launched its new research toolkit at the end of 2016 at the Children’s Lives in the Digital Age seminar held at UNICEF Headquarters in New York. We spent the last two years working with research partners, experts, and international advisors to develop a range of quantitative and qualitative research instruments that are now freely available at
Children worldwide gain benefits, face risks online
1st November 2016
A majority of children say they learn something new online at least every week, but large numbers still face risks online, according to the Global Kids Online Research Synthesis Report 2015 – 2016 produced by the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
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