Search Global Kids Online
Children and the internet: new findings from Ghana
23rd October 2018
UNICEF Ghana is launching its new report on children’s experiences online as part of the National Cyber Security Month Campaign by the First Lady of Ghana. Key findings are that the internet offers important learning, socialising, and entertainment opportunities for children, but important gaps remain related to online access, digital skills, and parental support. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry for Gender, Children and Social Protection.
Kids Online Uruguay: key findings from the new study
3rd May 2018
New findings from Global Kids Online in Uruguay are launched today by UNICEF, Plan Ceibal, AGESIC, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, and UNESCO. Uruguay has witnessed significant advances in the spread of internet connectivity in recent years as a result of public policies for digital inclusion. The study further advances the knowledge about Uruguayan children’s engagement with the digital environment.
Make the digital world safer for children
11th December 2017
Global Kids Online research evidence was used in UNICEF’s annual flagship report on The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a digital world launched today. Despite children’s substantial online presence – 1 in 3 internet users worldwide is a child – too little is done to protect them from the perils of the digital world and to increase their access to safe online content, is argued in the report.
Brazil: 24.3 million children are now online
28th November 2017
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( just launched the results of the latest ICT Kids Online Brazil survey, conducted annually since 2012. Based on home-based computer-assisted interviews with 2,999 children and their parent or guardian, the survey highlights key issues related to internet access, online opportunities, and safe internet use.
Global Kids Online Uruguay
11th July 2017
Uruguay has been conducting innovative research on children’s online experiences as part of the Global Kids Online network in Latin America. The Kids Online study is carried out with the joint effort of UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund – Plan Ceibal, UNESCO, AGESIC, and the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. The fieldwork took place from July to September 2017 and explored the online experiences of children aged 9 to 17.
Global Kids Online Chile
11th July 2017
Patricio Cabello (Universidad de Chile) and Magdalena Claro (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) in collaboration with Ipsos Chile carried out a national representative survey of children in Chile and their internet use. The research explored the online practices, opportunities, and digital skills that children have, as well as the risks they face and the support offered by parents and educators.