Search Global Kids Online
Working on knowledge exchange and impact
22nd September 2017
The LSE Department of Media and Communications and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti recently hosted a meeting of the Global Kids Online network which offered an opportunity for researchers from Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America to discuss research dissemination challenges and share local experiences of working effectively with stakeholders to maximise research impact.
Preparations for the 6th Brazilian Kids Online survey
17th July 2017
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( has already started preparing the 6th edition of the Brazilian Kids Online survey which will provide more in-depth information on children’s online activities and digital skills. The preparations include conducting cognitive interviews with children and organizing stakeholder events.
Global Kids Online Chile
11th July 2017
Patricio Cabello (Universidad de Chile) and Magdalena Claro (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) in collaboration with Ipsos Chile carried out a national representative survey of children in Chile and their internet use. The research explored the online practices, opportunities, and digital skills that children have, as well as the risks they face and the support offered by parents and educators.
Engaging children’s voices and experiences in research
3rd July 2017
The Global Kids Online research model invites researchers and research users to adopt a child-centred approach which sees children as rights-holders and citizens, able to actively shape the online domain and able to exercise agency in the digital environment. We aim to explore children’s ability to seek and offer support, create coping strategies and build resilience, and even act as agents in their families or communities by introducing online activities or helping their families and peers.
Chile: a third of children do not use the internet at school
28th April 2017
A two-day conference on ‘The Challenges of a Digital Society’ was held in Santiago earlier this month where the Global Kids Online team in Chile launched the new findings from a representative survey on children’s internet use. The study of 1,000 children aged 9 to 17 years found that a third of them do not use the internet at school.
Philippines: launching the representative survey
10th April 2017
The representative Global Kids Online survey in the Philippines was launched by UNICEF at workshop for government, industry, law enforcement agencies, and NGOs. The aim of the meeting was to initiate a collaboration for the protection of children against online sexual abuse and exploitation based on a common understanding among key actors on global best practices, tools, resources and industry standards.
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