Search Global Kids Online
Excellent support from key stakeholders in Ghana
31st August 2017
At the Global Kids Online meeting earlier this summer, UNICEF Child Protection Officer Joyce Odame outlined that UNICEF Ghana is currently funding national research on the risks and opportunities associated with child online practices in Ghana. A progress report highlighted the scope of the research, active involvement of a range of key stakeholders and some key challenges emerging during the fieldwork.
Global Kids Online Philippines
17th August 2017
At a recent Global Kids Online meeting in London Maria Margarita Ardivilla from UNICEF Philippines presented updates from the ongoing fieldwork and the key challenges the team is facing. She highlighted the efforts made to ensure the training, safety and ongoing support of the field researchers, the challenges of gaining access to hard to reach populations, and ensuring the wellbeing of child respondents.
Preparations for the 6th Brazilian Kids Online survey
17th July 2017
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( has already started preparing the 6th edition of the Brazilian Kids Online survey which will provide more in-depth information on children’s online activities and digital skills. The preparations include conducting cognitive interviews with children and organizing stakeholder events.
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