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Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Serbia: children rarely do creative activities online
9th December 2019
Children begin to use the internet at a young age and in a personalised way – from their own mobile devices and away from parental supervision, which has important policy and practice implications, according to a new EU Kids Online report on Serbian children’s internet use launched today. The survey with 1,150 internet-using children aged 9-17 years from 60 schools across the country was co-funded by the University of Oslo, UNICEF and OSCE Serbia, as well as the Serbian Ministries of Education and Telecommunications.
Brazil: mobile-only internet use grows
5th December 2019
The 7th edition of the ICT Kids Online Brazil survey was recently launched by the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( Drawing on a nationally representative survey with 2,964 internet-using children aged 9 to 17 and one of their parents, the Brazilian study is the longest-running in the Global Kids Online network with annual waves since 2012.
Using Global Kids Online evidence to build global understanding and action
18th July 2019
A recent Global Kids Online network meeting gathered 45 experts and practitioners from 27 countries to discuss the advancement of child rights and online protection drawing on existing and new research evidence by the network partners. We are following up with a webinar on impact and the lessons learned on how to use the evidence to build global understanding and action (Tuesday 23rd July, registration open).
A ladder of children’s online participation?
18th February 2019
Findings on the online activities of children in Bulgaria, Chile and South Africa suggests a ‘ladder’ of online participation. Many children, especially younger ones, enjoy some of the fun and sociable opportunities that the internet provides, but do not climb the ‘ladder’ to reach the civic, informational and creative activities that are often heralded as crucial opportunities of the digital age.
Brazilian findings: more children read online news
26th November 2018
The Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( launched the results of the sixth ICT Kids Online Brazil survey. The results show that more children are now online (85% of children aged 9 to 17 years), they mostly use a mobile phone to access the internet (93%), and receive more parental guidance on safe internet use. The new survey explores for the first time children’s civic participation discovering that over 1 in 10 children use the internet to discuss politics and problems in their city or country.
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