Tech & Teens: the impact of digital technology on wellbeing
11th February 2025
In celebration of Safer Internet Day 2025, Global Kids Online is excited to announce the release of a new report by our partner network – EU Kids Online and the Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society (IRTIS). The report presents key findings from 15 comprehensive studies that explore the impact of digital technology use on adolescent wellbeing.
Kazakhstan Kids Online
2nd December 2024
The Kazakhstan Kids Online study is a pioneering effort to deepen understanding of children’s use of digital technology in Kazakhstan. Conducted in 2023, this national research study engaged children, caregivers, and teachers and represents the latest addition to the Global Kids Online network. The study explores the extent and nature of children’s digital engagement, the opportunities and benefits the internet offers, children’s experiences of online risks and harms, and the strategies used to mitigate these. In doing so, the study contributes to fulfilling the mandate of the UNCRC General Comment No. 25 on children’s rights in the digital environment.
Sexually exploitative practices against children
18th July 2024
The UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children has recently invited stakeholders to contribute to a report exploring the existing and emerging sexually exploitative practices and abuse against children in the digital environment. Drawing on primary data from the Disrupting Harm project’s survey with 12-17-year-olds across several countries, Global Kids Online provided input on the how technologies are being used to facilitate the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and offer practical recommendations for making child online safety a reality.
Unveiling digital disparities in Costa Rica
12th February 2024
The latest Global Kids Online survey was conducted in Costa Rica in 2023 and provides a revealing snapshot of the digital experiences of children in the country. The summary of preliminary findings from 1,200 children aged 9 to 17 years paints a nuanced picture of digital inequality, altered device usage patterns, and risky online experiences.
Hate messages and violent images online
12th January 2024
In an era where internet connectivity is rapidly expanding around the globe, our new research brief published by UNICEF Innocenti sheds light on the issue of children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online. Efforts to mitigate exposure to such content are gaining momentum but the findings underscore the need for rapid changes that directly address the digital platforms where children encounter hate messages and violent images.
Children connected – new findings from Uruguay
9th January 2024
Global Kids Online Uruguay has released the findings from its new study on children’s internet use, based on an online school-based survey with 7,822 children aged between 9 and 17 years, as well as their parents/guardians and teachers. The findings show that children see the internet as a realm filled with possibilities and positive experiences, acknowledging the potential risks. Parents are more concerned about problematic usage and self-regulation.
The digital lives of Australia’s First Nations children
15th June 2023
A recent report by Australia’s eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) has found the internet plays a vital role in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, enabling them to form important cultural and social connections with friends and family. However, the report also shows that First Nations children are much more likely than the national average to have been treated in a hurtful or nasty way online, experiences that can lead to impaired mental health, perceived reputation damage and lower school performance.
New findings from Kids Online Chile
9th May 2023
Five years after their first survey on children’s internet use, Kids Online Chile recently launched their new findings. We see closing gaps in internet access, inequalities in digital skills, greater levels of parental support, and young people’s enthusiasm for online activities, including informal learning.
Children’s participation in digital policy-making
2nd December 2022
A fundamental pillar to realise the rights of every child both in the online and offline space is the meaningful participation of all children, especially of those most vulnerable. The Government of Zimbabwe has sought to operationalise the child rights principles in the development of a policy framework and implementation tools to ensure a child rights-centered approach to online safety.
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