Search Global Kids Online
Global Kids Online Bulgaria
11th July 2017
In September 2016, the Applied Research and Communication Fund, coordinator of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, in cooperation with the MarketLinks agency conducted a national representative survey entitled “Online Conduct of Children in Bulgaria.” The survey, which is a part of Global Kids Online, examined how children and young people engage with the internet and digital technologies in their everyday lives.
Chile: a third of children do not use the internet at school
28th April 2017
A two-day conference on ‘The Challenges of a Digital Society’ was held in Santiago earlier this month where the Global Kids Online team in Chile launched the new findings from a representative survey on children’s internet use. The study of 1,000 children aged 9 to 17 years found that a third of them do not use the internet at school.
Bulgaria: Are children empowered to benefit from the internet?
7th February 2017
New findings from Global Kids Online Bulgaria, launched today by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, reveal that children are spending more time online at increasingly younger ages. Even though many of them are technically competent and skilled internet users, few children take full advantage of the online opportunities or act in a proactive way.
Global Kids Online Brazil: 2015 findings
2nd December 2016
The latest findings from Kids Online Brazil were launched earlier this month by the Regional Centre for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( during the UNESCO Media Information Literacy Week in São Paulo. Conducted annually since 2012, the Kids Online survey highlighted important digital inequalities amongst children in Brazil.
New research toolkit on children’s internet use
11th November 2016
Global Kids Online launched its new research toolkit at the end of 2016 at the Children’s Lives in the Digital Age seminar held at UNICEF Headquarters in New York. We spent the last two years working with research partners, experts, and international advisors to develop a range of quantitative and qualitative research instruments that are now freely available at
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