Search Global Kids Online
Balancing risks and opportunities: what do we know from recent findings?
25th November 2016
Presenting at the Ofcom-hosted event on Agenda for Children’s Media Literacy research this week, Sonia Livingstone discussed the recent Global Kids Online findings. She focused on the ways children themselves describe what bothers them online, the way risks vary across the different countries studied, and the balance between risk and opportunity.
Children’s access to the internet: presenting recent findings
19th November 2016
Sonia Livingstone and Daniel Kardefelt-Winther gave a keynote speech at the ECREA pre-conference on Research of Children, Youth and Media presenting the Global Kids Online recently launched findings. They discussed the key issues related to children’s online risks and opportunities and the methodological challenges related to researching children’s internet use.
New research toolkit on children’s internet use
11th November 2016
Global Kids Online launched its new research toolkit at the end of 2016 at the Children’s Lives in the Digital Age seminar held at UNICEF Headquarters in New York. We spent the last two years working with research partners, experts, and international advisors to develop a range of quantitative and qualitative research instruments that are now freely available at
Children worldwide gain benefits, face risks online
1st November 2016
A majority of children say they learn something new online at least every week, but large numbers still face risks online, according to the Global Kids Online Research Synthesis Report 2015 – 2016 produced by the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Global Kids Online Serbia
5th May 2016
The report represents the findings from the Global Kids Online Serbia carried out by UNICEF Belgrade and the Institute of Psychology at the University of Belgrade. It represents the country findings in relation to children’s online experiences, rights, and needs and the specific challenges that arise from the particularities of the Serbian context.
A meeting of Global Kids Online ahead of launch of global toolkit
3rd May 2016
LSE Department of Media and Communications and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti convened the second Global Kids Online network meeting at LSE on 21 and 22 March 2016. The meeting brought together close to 40 academics, researchers, and UNICEF staff from 14 different countries, including Argentina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Montenegro, the Philippines, Serbia, and South Africa, as well as representatives of the UK Home Office and WeProtect.
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