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Sexually exploitative practices against children
18th July 2024
The UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children has recently invited stakeholders to contribute to a report exploring the existing and emerging sexually exploitative practices and abuse against children in the digital environment. Drawing on primary data from the Disrupting Harm project’s survey with 12-17-year-olds across several countries, Global Kids Online provided input on the how technologies are being used to facilitate the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and offer practical recommendations for making child online safety a reality.
Implementing child rights online: a Global Kids Online webinar
21st November 2022
With children’s experiences of online risk of harm often in the headlines, we urgently need new rigorous comparative research that’s impactful and can promote children’s rights in the digital world. Global Kids Online and Disrupting Harm organised a webinar on Implementing child rights online: new cross-national evidence to guide policy. You can now watch the recording of the event.
International day against violence and bullying
4th November 2020
The UNESCO member states declared the first Thursday of November the International day against violence and bullying at school in recognition that school-related violence in all its forms is an infringement of children and adolescents’ rights to education and to health and well-being. In support of this initiative, we reflect on the comparative findings of the Global Kids Online network based on data among nearly 15,000 internet-using children in 11 countries across Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.
How to support children online during #Covid19
16th April 2020
When we published the Global Kids Online 11 country comparison report on online children’s experiences around the world, we hardly imagined that, just a few months later, those children with access to the internet would be relying on it so heavily for their information, education, entertainment, and connection with family and friends.
Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Children’s rights and resilience in the digital world
24th September 2019
The Sydney eSafety 2019 conference saw policy makers, researchers and practitioners from different fields and countries come together to discuss how to improve children’s digital lives. Our presentation on Global Kids Online (GKO) provided a foretaste of our 11 country comparative findings report, and the insights gleaned from an independent evaluation report of GKO impact in our partner countries. Both reports will be published in the coming few months – watch this space.
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