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Serbia: children rarely do creative activities online
9th December 2019
Children begin to use the internet at a young age and in a personalised way – from their own mobile devices and away from parental supervision, which has important policy and practice implications, according to a new EU Kids Online report on Serbian children’s internet use launched today. The survey with 1,150 internet-using children aged 9-17 years from 60 schools across the country was co-funded by the University of Oslo, UNICEF and OSCE Serbia, as well as the Serbian Ministries of Education and Telecommunications.
The online lives of New Zealand kids
30th September 2019
Netsafe’s latest research uncovers important insights about New Zealand children’s experiences online and their skills in navigating these online experiences. The report, the first to study online experiences of nine to 17 year old New Zealand children, found Kiwi kids are making the most of online opportunities for entertainment, learning and socialising.
Online on the phone: Czech children’s internet use
5th August 2019
A survey of 2,825 Czech children showed that 84% access the internet daily using their mobile phones and only 45% use a computer. Even the youngest children aged 9 to 10 years use predominantly their phones to go online (64% use it daily), while 29% of all children say that they are online on their mobile ‘almost all the time’. How does this affect their experiences and exposure to risk?
Costa Rica: highlights from the new research
15th July 2019
A new study on children’s internet use in Costa Rica was conducted by the University of Costa Rica and the Paniamor Foundation. The nationally representative survey with 1,008 children and their parents found important digital divides related to access, opportunities and skills. Using mobile phones for learning at school and receiving enabling mediation from parents can improve children’s digital skills and access to online opportunities.
How do Norwegian children understand the internet?
5th March 2019
While children in Norway are often referred to as ‘digital natives’, new research by EU Kids Online suggests that this is an inappropriate term. It discovered that, although children often understand concepts related to the internet, they can’t always apply the practical skills related to those concepts. The findings suggest that children may need more support online.
2018: more research, new findings and further impact
20th December 2018
With new findings from Brazil, Ghana and Uruguay emerging during the year, Global Kids Online has now surveyed over 15,000 children and 12,000 of their carers since 2016, continuing to emphasise the important role of children as active agents in the global digital environment. With new research in Albania, Canada, Montenegro, New Zealand and the Philippines underway, as well as research impact assessments in four Global Kids Online countries, the quest for expanding the evidence base continues.
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