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Live online conversation about our research
21st March 2017
Jasmina Byrne and Daniel Kardefelt-Winther from UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti had a live online conversation about the challenges of conducting the Global Kids Online project. They presented highlights from the recent findings and discussed our approach to carrying out global research on children’s rights in the digital age at a time of intense socio-technological change and contested policy development.
Bulgaria: Are children empowered to benefit from the internet?
7th February 2017
New findings from Global Kids Online Bulgaria, launched today by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, reveal that children are spending more time online at increasingly younger ages. Even though many of them are technically competent and skilled internet users, few children take full advantage of the online opportunities or act in a proactive way.
From research on children’s rights to national and international policy
9th December 2016
A Global Kids Online panel presented recent findings at the annual conference of the Internet Governance Forum in Mexico this week. The panel involved contributions from Alexandre Barbosa (, Brazil), Jasmina Byrne (UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Italy), Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK), Mario Viola de Azevedo Cunha (Institute of Technology and Society, Brazil).
Global Kids Online Brazil: 2015 findings
2nd December 2016
The latest findings from Kids Online Brazil were launched earlier this month by the Regional Centre for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( during the UNESCO Media Information Literacy Week in São Paulo. Conducted annually since 2012, the Kids Online survey highlighted important digital inequalities amongst children in Brazil.
Balancing risks and opportunities: what do we know from recent findings?
25th November 2016
Presenting at the Ofcom-hosted event on Agenda for Children’s Media Literacy research this week, Sonia Livingstone discussed the recent Global Kids Online findings. She focused on the ways children themselves describe what bothers them online, the way risks vary across the different countries studied, and the balance between risk and opportunity.
Children’s access to the internet: presenting recent findings
19th November 2016
Sonia Livingstone and Daniel Kardefelt-Winther gave a keynote speech at the ECREA pre-conference on Research of Children, Youth and Media presenting the Global Kids Online recently launched findings. They discussed the key issues related to children’s online risks and opportunities and the methodological challenges related to researching children’s internet use.
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