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Adjusting to a socially distanced world
29th April 2021
Although COVID-19 presented challenges for research and fieldwork in 2020, our Global Kids Online partners have made important progress still. We share updates and reflect on lessons learned during a year of adjusting to a socially distanced world. While the lives of many children have become digital by default, Global Kids Online has worked to unpack how digital inequalities affect children’s online opportunities, to identify pathways to vulnerability, inform child protection efforts, and to flag concerns about the impact of digital marginalization on child rights.
How are children doing under lockdown #Covid19?
18th June 2020
Drawing on guidance from Global Kids Online, the #CovidUnder19 project invites views from children around the world by launching a global survey for 8-17 year old’s to get their views and experiences of ‘Life under Coronavirus’. The findings will tell us how children have been coping during the pandemic and will be used for advocacy globally to ensure children’s voices are included in the response to COVID-19 and future emergency and crisis situations. If you are aged between 8 and 17 years, please help us by completing our survey.
Global Kids Online New Zealand
11th February 2020
Netsafe is working to bring the Global Kids Online methodology to Aotearoa, New Zealand. Netsafe has a statutory role under New Zealand’s Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) to resolve complaints from victims and provide educational content and services. Participation in Global Kids Online aims to support this role and to contribute to Netsafe’s efforts to maximise digital opportunities for New Zealand’s internet users and prevent online harm.
Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Influencing policy and practice, building global understanding and action
8th January 2020
We commissioned an independent evaluation to understand the ways in which Global Kids Online research has been taken up and used in partner countries and internationally. The study found that Global Kids Online research findings are regarded as the premier resource on children’s experiences online, both in partner countries and by international stakeholders and influencers. The research has been used extensively to influence policy and practice in nine partner countries, to build global understanding and action, and to influence international debate and action.
The online lives of New Zealand kids
30th September 2019
Netsafe’s latest research uncovers important insights about New Zealand children’s experiences online and their skills in navigating these online experiences. The report, the first to study online experiences of nine to 17 year old New Zealand children, found Kiwi kids are making the most of online opportunities for entertainment, learning and socialising.
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