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Recognising online hurtful behaviour among peers
17th November 2017
Global Kids Online examines a wide set of hurtful behaviours that children encounter online alongside the opportunities that the internet affords. Our approach recognises the connections between online and offline experiences and avoids the assumption that all online risks are inherently harmful. This research brief summarises key comparative findings on hurtful behaviour amongst peers.
Global Kids Online South Africa
24th June 2016
This study was conducted by the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP) and aimed to pilot the Global Kids Online research tools in a low income country, as well as gather rigorous and comparable evidence on the nature of children’s internet use in South Africa.
Global expert meeting on cyber-bullying
12th May 2016
At a recent global expert meeting on bullying and cyber-bullying organized by the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Sonia Livingstone presented the Global Kids Online project, along with the latest findings showing that cyberbullying represents a growing proportion of bullying overall.
Global Kids Online Argentina
5th May 2016
The study was commissioned by UNICEF Argentina and aimed to gather rigorous and comparable evidence on the nature of children’s internet use in Argentina and to inform policy-makers about the benefits of increasing the opportunities and minimising the risks children face online.
Global Kids Online at World Summit on the Information Society
4th May 2016
Sonia Livingstone and Jasmina Byrne presented Global Kids Online at the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva. They pointed out that, although children are often celebrated as the internet pioneers or ‘digital natives’, in most countries it is not even known how many children have internet access, let alone whether its use is beneficial or harmful for them.
A meeting of Global Kids Online ahead of launch of global toolkit
3rd May 2016
LSE Department of Media and Communications and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti convened the second Global Kids Online network meeting at LSE on 21 and 22 March 2016. The meeting brought together close to 40 academics, researchers, and UNICEF staff from 14 different countries, including Argentina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Montenegro, the Philippines, Serbia, and South Africa, as well as representatives of the UK Home Office and WeProtect.
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