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Search Global Kids Online
Global Kids Online South Africa
24th June 2016
This study was conducted by the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP) and aimed to pilot the Global Kids Online research tools in a low income country, as well as gather rigorous and comparable evidence on the nature of children’s internet use in South Africa.
Global Kids Online Argentina
5th May 2016
The study was commissioned by UNICEF Argentina and aimed to gather rigorous and comparable evidence on the nature of children’s internet use in Argentina and to inform policy-makers about the benefits of increasing the opportunities and minimising the risks children face online.
Global Kids Online Serbia
5th May 2016
The report represents the findings from the Global Kids Online Serbia carried out by UNICEF Belgrade and the Institute of Psychology at the University of Belgrade. It represents the country findings in relation to children’s online experiences, rights, and needs and the specific challenges that arise from the particularities of the Serbian context.
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