Search Global Kids Online
Live online conversation about our research
21st March 2017
Jasmina Byrne and Daniel Kardefelt-Winther from UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti had a live online conversation about the challenges of conducting the Global Kids Online project. They presented highlights from the recent findings and discussed our approach to carrying out global research on children’s rights in the digital age at a time of intense socio-technological change and contested policy development.
Collaborating with UNICEF India on Child Online Safety
19th January 2017
UNICEF India are currently conducting an awareness raising campaign on child online safety which builds on the findings of the first comprehensive report on Child Online Protection in India, launched in September 2016. Global Kids Online findings were presented at a recent event – part of the campaign.
Global expert meeting on cyber-bullying
12th May 2016
At a recent global expert meeting on bullying and cyber-bullying organized by the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Sonia Livingstone presented the Global Kids Online project, along with the latest findings showing that cyberbullying represents a growing proportion of bullying overall.
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