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Hate messages and violent images online
12th January 2024
In an era where internet connectivity is rapidly expanding around the globe, our new research brief published by UNICEF Innocenti sheds light on the issue of children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online. Efforts to mitigate exposure to such content are gaining momentum but the findings underscore the need for rapid changes that directly address the digital platforms where children encounter hate messages and violent images.
Children connected – new findings from Uruguay
9th January 2024
Global Kids Online Uruguay has released the findings from its new study on children’s internet use, based on an online school-based survey with 7,822 children aged between 9 and 17 years, as well as their parents/guardians and teachers. The findings show that children see the internet as a realm filled with possibilities and positive experiences, acknowledging the potential risks. Parents are more concerned about problematic usage and self-regulation.
Children’s participation in digital policy-making
2nd December 2022
A fundamental pillar to realise the rights of every child both in the online and offline space is the meaningful participation of all children, especially of those most vulnerable. The Government of Zimbabwe has sought to operationalise the child rights principles in the development of a policy framework and implementation tools to ensure a child rights-centered approach to online safety.
Implementing child rights online: a Global Kids Online webinar
21st November 2022
With children’s experiences of online risk of harm often in the headlines, we urgently need new rigorous comparative research that’s impactful and can promote children’s rights in the digital world. Global Kids Online and Disrupting Harm organised a webinar on Implementing child rights online: new cross-national evidence to guide policy. You can now watch the recording of the event.
Online sexual exploitation and abuse: new findings
1st June 2022
Protecting children from online sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA) has been at the forefront of international efforts over the past week. The WePROTECT Global Summit in Brussels gathered more than 400 delegates from industry, government, civil society and international organisations coming together with the aim to strengthen the global response to OCSEA. The misuse of the internet and digital technologies to sexually abuse and exploit children is a rapidly growing issue that knows no borders. Yet, evidence on the nature and scale of the problem remains limited.
Do internet addiction and gaming disorders exist?
8th November 2021
Since the invention of online gaming, there have been concerns that video games were destroying the mental health of a generation. The WHO’s decision in 2018 to include Gaming Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) has reignited fears that online games can be addictive.
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