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Hate messages and violent images online
12th January 2024
In an era where internet connectivity is rapidly expanding around the globe, our new research brief published by UNICEF Innocenti sheds light on the issue of children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online. Efforts to mitigate exposure to such content are gaining momentum but the findings underscore the need for rapid changes that directly address the digital platforms where children encounter hate messages and violent images.
Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Should we include more digital technologies in teaching?
7th November 2019
Montenegro is the first Global Kids Online country to produce comparable data on digital skills including children, parents and teachers. A national survey conducted by Ipsos, supported by UNICEF and Telenor, found that almost all teachers (94%) in Montenegrin primary and secondary schools use the internet on a daily basis. Educators tend to have better digital skills than children and parents. While teachers agree that the use of technologies improves the quality of education, many struggle to integrate diverse ways of using digital media in the learning process.
Online on the phone: Czech children’s internet use
5th August 2019
A survey of 2,825 Czech children showed that 84% access the internet daily using their mobile phones and only 45% use a computer. Even the youngest children aged 9 to 10 years use predominantly their phones to go online (64% use it daily), while 29% of all children say that they are online on their mobile ‘almost all the time’. How does this affect their experiences and exposure to risk?
Using Global Kids Online evidence to build global understanding and action
18th July 2019
A recent Global Kids Online network meeting gathered 45 experts and practitioners from 27 countries to discuss the advancement of child rights and online protection drawing on existing and new research evidence by the network partners. We are following up with a webinar on impact and the lessons learned on how to use the evidence to build global understanding and action (Tuesday 23rd July, registration open).
Global Kids Online Montenegro
21st October 2016
The Global Kids Online Montenegro project was carried out in 2015-16 and involved a survey and qualitative research with children aged 9–17, their parents and schools’ representatives.
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