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Tech & Teens: the impact of digital technology on wellbeing
11th February 2025
In celebration of Safer Internet Day 2025, Global Kids Online is excited to announce the release of a new report by our partner network – EU Kids Online and the Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society (IRTIS). The report presents key findings from 15 comprehensive studies that explore the impact of digital technology use on adolescent wellbeing.
Hate messages and violent images online
12th January 2024
In an era where internet connectivity is rapidly expanding around the globe, our new research brief published by UNICEF Innocenti sheds light on the issue of children’s exposure to hate messages and violent images online. Efforts to mitigate exposure to such content are gaining momentum but the findings underscore the need for rapid changes that directly address the digital platforms where children encounter hate messages and violent images.
Spending time online can boost children’s well-being– depending on their social framework
24th June 2022
Contrary to what many fear, the time children spend in front of a screen is associated with a good quality of life. EU Kids Online findings from media researchers at the University of Oslo indicate that plenty of screen time is a positive rather than a negative thing for children and adolescents with a supportive family and school network.
Done right, internet use can increase learning and skills
18th February 2020
Blanket restrictions on children’s internet use prevent them from taking advantage of critical learning and skills development opportunities, according to the new Global Kids Online report, launched today at the Internet Governance Forum in Berlin. Produced by the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Growing up in a Connected World compares data on internet use among nearly 15,000 internet-using children in 11 countries across Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.
Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Serbia: children rarely do creative activities online
9th December 2019
Children begin to use the internet at a young age and in a personalised way – from their own mobile devices and away from parental supervision, which has important policy and practice implications, according to a new EU Kids Online report on Serbian children’s internet use launched today. The survey with 1,150 internet-using children aged 9-17 years from 60 schools across the country was co-funded by the University of Oslo, UNICEF and OSCE Serbia, as well as the Serbian Ministries of Education and Telecommunications.
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