Search Global Kids Online
Second Global Kids Online network meeting held in London
19th April 2016
The second Global Kids Online network meeting was held in London, March 2016. The meeting gathered current and potential international research partners, with some 40 academics and UNICEF staff from 14 different countries.
Pilot partner countries (Argentina, South Africa, Philippines and Serbia) presented the lessons learned from conducting research on children’s internet use in different countries, complemented by local analysis, findings and case study examples.
One in three: internet governance and children’s rights
19th April 2016
Sonia Livingstone, John Carr and Jasmina Byrne examine whether and how internet governance supports children’s rights in the digital age. They review the evidence on children’s online risks and opportunities in order to pinpoint the internet governance challenges ahead.
Call for Papers: Children’s and young people’s rights in the digital age
19th April 2016
The Global Kids Online team announces a two-day conference to discuss how digital media shape children’s rights. The conference will nnounce the results of the Global Kids Online toolkit for researchers and research users.
Children’s Rights in the Digital Age: Paradoxes and Problems
1st October 2015
Sonia Livingstone gave a lecture at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania in October 2015, entitled “Children’s Rights in the Digital Age: Paradoxes and Problems”.
Global Kids Online inception meeting
18th September 2015
An inception meeting of the Global Kids Online project was held on 18-19 September 2015 in Florence, Italy. The meeting was hosted by UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti and brought together the international partners on the project.
Global Kids Online inception report
7th September 2015
This inception report contains a short description of the background, purpose and scope of the Global Kids Online project, as well as information about the planned activities, outputs, participating members and delivery dates.
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