Search Global Kids Online
Unveiling digital disparities in Costa Rica
12th February 2024
The latest Global Kids Online survey was conducted in Costa Rica in 2023 and provides a revealing snapshot of the digital experiences of children in the country. The summary of preliminary findings from 1,200 children aged 9 to 17 years paints a nuanced picture of digital inequality, altered device usage patterns, and risky online experiences.
New comparative findings: what have we learned?
31st July 2020
Technologies are not beneficial or harmful all by themselves. Much depends on how technologies are designed, deployed and promoted by businesses and the state, on how parents interact with children in relation to digital contents and services at home, and how schools embed technologies in their curricula to support learning and participation. A new report compares findings from the Global Kids Online survey in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay, pointing to the importance of media literacy, parental mediation, and state regulation for maximising children’s online benefits and minimising harm.
Setting the global research agenda for the new decade
11th February 2020
The Global Kids Online network continues to generate new findings, as more country partners join and extend the cross-national research effort. For the international Safer Internet Day 2020 we reflect on the lessons learned from recent research and think about the research agenda for the new decade.
Using Global Kids Online evidence to build global understanding and action
18th July 2019
A recent Global Kids Online network meeting gathered 45 experts and practitioners from 27 countries to discuss the advancement of child rights and online protection drawing on existing and new research evidence by the network partners. We are following up with a webinar on impact and the lessons learned on how to use the evidence to build global understanding and action (Tuesday 23rd July, registration open).
Costa Rica: highlights from the new research
15th July 2019
A new study on children’s internet use in Costa Rica was conducted by the University of Costa Rica and the Paniamor Foundation. The nationally representative survey with 1,008 children and their parents found important digital divides related to access, opportunities and skills. Using mobile phones for learning at school and receiving enabling mediation from parents can improve children’s digital skills and access to online opportunities.
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