Search Global Kids Online
Global Kids Online Bulgaria
11th July 2017
In September 2016, the Applied Research and Communication Fund, coordinator of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, in cooperation with the MarketLinks agency conducted a national representative survey entitled “Online Conduct of Children in Bulgaria.” The survey, which is a part of Global Kids Online, examined how children and young people engage with the internet and digital technologies in their everyday lives.
Bulgaria: Are children empowered to benefit from the internet?
7th February 2017
New findings from Global Kids Online Bulgaria, launched today by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, reveal that children are spending more time online at increasingly younger ages. Even though many of them are technically competent and skilled internet users, few children take full advantage of the online opportunities or act in a proactive way.
A meeting of Global Kids Online ahead of launch of global toolkit
3rd May 2016
LSE Department of Media and Communications and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti convened the second Global Kids Online network meeting at LSE on 21 and 22 March 2016. The meeting brought together close to 40 academics, researchers, and UNICEF staff from 14 different countries, including Argentina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Montenegro, the Philippines, Serbia, and South Africa, as well as representatives of the UK Home Office and WeProtect.
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