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Global Kids Online Ghana
11th July 2017
UNICEF Ghana, Ipsos and a number of ministries collaborated on a initiative aiming to fill in the evidence gaps related to children’s online risks and opportunities and to create new strategies for child protection in Ghana. The study included qualitative and quantitative research with children aged 9 to 17 and their parents.
Global Kids Online Chile
11th July 2017
Patricio Cabello (Universidad de Chile) and Magdalena Claro (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) in collaboration with Ipsos Chile carried out a national representative survey of children in Chile and their internet use. The research explored the online practices, opportunities, and digital skills that children have, as well as the risks they face and the support offered by parents and educators.
Global Kids Online Bulgaria
11th July 2017
In September 2016, the Applied Research and Communication Fund, coordinator of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, in cooperation with the MarketLinks agency conducted a national representative survey entitled “Online Conduct of Children in Bulgaria.” The survey, which is a part of Global Kids Online, examined how children and young people engage with the internet and digital technologies in their everyday lives.
Global Kids Online: Research synthesis
1st November 2016
This report offers a synthesis of Global Kids Online’s work from 2015-2016 and is designed to be of interest to researchers and research users. The report presents the background of the study, some key findings, the process of methodology development and testing, and indicates recommendations and future directions.
Global Kids Online Montenegro
21st October 2016
The Global Kids Online Montenegro project was carried out in 2015-16 and involved a survey and qualitative research with children aged 9–17, their parents and schools’ representatives.
EU Kids Online
19th October 2016
EU Kids Online, one of the collaborating partners of the Global Kids Online initiative, is an international research network, which currently encompasses 33 countries. It aims to coordinate and stimulate investigation into the way children use new media in Europe and beyond, with a particular focus on evidence about the conditions that shape online risk and safety.
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