The planning and monitoring framework provides a way to assess the uptake and impact of Global Kids Online work in the short to medium term, allowing for planning, tracking and evaluating impact throughout the project life cycle. It aims to be a systematic but adaptable living tool to allow researchers to plan and monitor their impact. The framework can be adjusted throughout the research to fit different country priorities.

The impact framework was designed, tested and adapted with the help of country partners and experts, and includes two main parts:

  • Impact planning stage: designed to assist the planning stage, this invites the research team to consider the efforts needed in relation to necessary inputs, planned activities and outputs, anticipated awareness and reaction, required engagement and participation, and desired impact.
  • Impact monitoring stage: designed as a tool for tracking and recording the actual impact achieved (intended and unintended), this invites the research team to identify the types of impact that have occurred, demonstrate how they have been verified, and reflect on lessons learned.

Individual country frameworks can be combined to assess the overall impact of various country efforts, especially when framed by a common strategic vision and opportunities for longer-term scaling up and lesson learning.

Tools included:

Further resources:

Getting started with impact

What is research impact?

Key steps in planning impact

Engaging with stakeholders

Anyone may use the resources under the Attributive Non-Commercial Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC) crediting Global Kids Online as the source.

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