Across truly diverse domestic, cultural and geographic contexts, many children now use digital and online technologies as part of their everyday lives. To guide national and international policy and practice in the best interests of children, a robust evidence base is needed.

Why do we need Global Kids Online?

In high- and middle-income countries, and increasingly also in low-income countries, many children’s activities are underpinned by internet and mobile phone access in one way or another. What are the resulting risks and opportunities for children’s well-being and their rights in a digital age?

Global Kids Online asks:

  • When and how is internet and mobile use problematic in children’s lives – amplifying a range of risks of harm that undermine their well-being and infringe their rights if they are not protected?
  • When and how does internet and mobile use benefit children’s lives – providing opportunities to learn, communicate and participate in ways that enhance their well-being and rights?

At present, there are considerable evidence gaps, due substantially to research challenges regarding inclusion, ethics, data quality, cross-national comparability, contextual sensitivity and more. To meet this need, Global Kids Online has developed an open-access multi-method research toolkit in collaboration with country partners, experts and international advisors.

Addressing the evidence gaps

There are many challenges that researchers face when studying children’s online risks and opportunities. This is how some of the Global Kids Online projects are working on reducing the evidence gaps across diverse contexts.

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