This report offers a synthesis of Global Kids Online’s work from 2015-2016 and is designed to be of interest to researchers and research users. The report presents the background of the study, some key findings, the process of methodology development and testing, and indicates recommendations and future directions.

This report offers a synthesis of Global Kids Online’s work from 2015-2016 and is designed to be of interest to researchers and research users. The report positions the work of Global Kids Online in the context of global trends in children’s internet use, children’s rights in the digital age, the policy context and challenges, and the global research challenge. It also explains the nature of the project, which focuses on constructing a multimethod open-access research toolkit developed with and for use by country partners on four continents – Argentina, the Philippines, Serbia and South Africa.
The key findings from the qualitative and quantitative research in the four countries are also discussed and the report also presents the toolkit itself, outlining how it has evolved during the process of partner dialogue and pilot testing. Finally, we draw conclusions from the findings, from the methodology, and indicate recommendations and future directions.

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Additional materials

Executive summary

You can download the presentation with the findings.

Launching the research toolkit and findings

Highlights are also presented in our recent posts for Parenting for Digital Future, the Conversation, and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti.

Link to the UNICEF Office of Research page of the Research Synthesis report.

Project findings

Research toolkit

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Post author: Mariya Stoilova

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