Merle Tan completed her medical degree at De La Salle University College of Medicine. She took her residency training in Pediatrics at Children’s Medical Center, Philippines and passed her diplomate exam in Pediatrics in the succeeding year. In 2009 she became a fellow of the Philippine Pediatrics Society. She then completed her 2 years fellowship in Ambulatory Pediatrics and Child Protection at University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital. She finished a degree at the University of the Philippines – National Teacher Training Center for Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPEd). Dr. Tan has presented in a number of pediatric meetings, both locally and internationally. She was also frequently invited as a resource speaker on child abuse and neglect in different regions of the country. She is member of various organizations such as International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN), Philippine Medical Association, Philippine Ambulatory Pediatrics of the Philippines, and Child Protection Network. Presently, she is a consultant at Child Protection Unit of University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital and former training director of Child Protection Network.
Child Protection Unit, University of the Philippines – Manila, the Philippines