Maria Eugênia Sózio is responsible for the production of statistics and indicators for the ICT Kids Online Brazil survey, a national sample survey that follows the methodological framework developed by the EU Kids Online network. Its main objective is to understand how Brazilian children aged 9 to 17 use the internet as well as opportunities and risks related to its use. In partnership with the EU Kids Online network, Maria has been working on the set-up of a Latin American Kids Online network with the objective of fostering comparable data collection in other countries in the region. Maria’s other responsibilities include coordinating the operational steps of the research project, providing support for academic experts and relevant stakeholders in the design and pre-testing of questionnaires, monitoring interviewer training, documenting and monitoring fieldwork and conducting and writing up methodological and data analyses. Maria holds a Master’s in Business and Management from Trinity College – The University of Dublin and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. (Regional Centre of Studies on Information and Communication Technololgies), Brazil