Journalism Department at Alberto Hurtado University (Chile)

Amaranta Alfaro is an academic and researcher at the Journalism Department at Alberto Hurtado University (Chile). Her research has applied mixed and digital methods for inquiring about digital citizenship; the relationship of children and adolescents with digital media and technologies; and media uses, competencies, and practices among migrant communities and other groups in Chile. She coordinates the thematic group on “Communication, gender and interculturality” at the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers (INCOM).

Amaranta Alfaro is a journalist and holds a bachelor’s in communication studies. She was an Erasmus Mundus awardee to study the European Master in Media, Communication & Cultural Studies (CoMundus) at the universities of Roskilde (Denmark) and Kassel (Germany). Currently, she is PhD candidate at the Graduate School Media & Communication at the University of Hamburg (Germany). She is a sponsored student of the Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES).

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