Hans Martens, PhD, is European Schoolnet’s eSafety and Digital Skills programme manager. He is responsible for the Digital Citizenship strategy of the organisation, managing a team of 10+ staff members dedicated to a variety of public and private projects covering aspects ranging from online safety to digital skills. Within this context, Hans is leading the Better Internet for Kids project which implements, under the Connecting Europe Facility, and on behalf of the European Commission, a comprehensive range of digital tools and services that help make the internet a trusted environment for children and young people through actions that empower and protect them online, while sharing knowledge, resources and practices between key European stakeholders, be they Insafe-INHOPE Safer Internet Centres, research organisations, industry partners, policy-makers or experts in the field. Hans also oversees European Schoolnet’s involvement in various other digital citizenship campaigns, partnerships, platforms and projects, including the eSkills 2015–16 campaign, the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, the eSafety Label, the Web We Want and I-LINC.
European Schoolnet, Belgium